I must admit to being a bit partial to the sales approaches laid out in Jamie Shanks’s book SPEAR Selling. Many of my thoughts on how to sell to major accounts show up on the pages of this book. Here’s a quick run through on a couple of the major elements of the book.
[Read more…]Do you need an Enterprise Selling Plan (ESP)?

Don’t panic. We will return to normalish, at some point.
We will start selling at some reasonable rate again, soonish.
Budgets will be back in place and buyers will need things, in a little whileish.
When all this happens, you may easily forget the lessons of this panic/pandemic.
One of these lessons I believe is that big customers are good.
[Read more…]It’s a great time to start upgrading your clients

It’s a really tough time for most companies to sell their products and services.
Much buying is “paused.” Buyers are wondering what the future holds for their companies–and themselves–and are having a tough time committing to purchases. Deals are stuck in the pipeline and new opportunities are in short supply.
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